Graduate on the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Warsaw University. Legal Counsel, 16 years of professional experience
Since May 2008 member of the District Bar of Legal Counsels (OIRP) in Warsaw, member of the Association of Consulting Engineers and Experts (SIDiR - Polish branch of FIDIC), in 2006-2008 member of the Management Board of SIDiR, Adjudicator and Arbitrator in disputes held according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract; author of the linguistic and legal analysis of Polish-English edition of the FIDIC Red Book as well as the author of several press articles on various aspects of construction work contracts; he has delivered several training sessions in this field (FIDIC included), out of which the most prestigious ones are the following – National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers (OIRP) in Warsaw; State Treasury Official Proxy Authority (Prokuratoria Generalna Skarbu Państwa), Construction BUDMA Fairs in Poznań. He has handled many infrastructure contracts at the different stages of their implementation. He used to cooperate with Law Firms from United Kingdom. He personally provides legal claim management services, represent clients of construction branch in litigation. Speaks English (fluent) and French.